PRESENTATIONS Structure and Functions of the Board, during briefing of the Foreign Trained Doctors, 21st September, 2018 Structure and Functions of the Board, during briefing of the Foreign Trained Doctors, 6th June, 2018 Exam Briefing to Foreign Trained Doctors, 21st September, 2018 Exam Briefing to Foreign Trained Doctors, 6th June, 2018 Internship Training Presentation, 6th June, 2018 Supporting Better Health in Kenya through Improved Health Workforce Regulation- Kenya Health Regulatory Human Resource Information System (rHRIS) Health Workforce Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa Policies.Guidelines needed for the implementation of the AMCOA Protocol on Health Worker Migration.Pdf Medical & Dental Practice Regulation in Kenya -34th Kenya Dental Association Scientific Conference and Exhibition 2016 Medical Practice Regulation in Kenya – Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops Medical Regulation – Making a Difference PRESS RELEASES List of doctors expunged from the register for non-compliance with the Section 14 of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act as at 16.04.2019Status on Marie Stopes Kenya Clinics Approved Medical and Dental Schools and Teaching Hospitals Referral of Patients Abroad Reciprocal Registration/ Recognition for EAC Partner States Doctors Guidelines for the Referral of Patients Abroad for Medical Management Press Release The Medical Board warns striking doctors against interfering with operations in private and mission hospitals Lifting of the Ban on Medical Camps Press Release on the Cases of Alleged Medical Negligence lodged at the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board Communique following a Consultative Forum between the Ministry of Health and The National Assembly Committee on Health held at The Whitesands Hotel in Mombasa County on 19th February, 2016 Press Release on Fake Doctor WHO Clinical Management of Patients with Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Gazette Notice 774; Appointment of the New BoardWHO Clinical Management of Patients with Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Ministerial Communique on Ebola Virus Disease Emergency preparedness and response in the East African Community Partner States and support to the Western African countries Minimum admission Criteria to MBChB and BDSAccreditation of Mt. Kenya University School of MedicineElection of New Board MembersThe Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Training, Assessment and Registration) Rules, 2014