1. As provided for the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Cap. 253, Laws of Kenya), KMPDC can recognise Practitioner’s regulated under Cap 253 Laws of Kenya, as a Specialist or Subspecialist in any of the recognised fields, provided that they meet the requirements for registration and recognition to practice in Kenya.

  2. The List of Recognised Specialties and Subspecialties 2024 is applicable for the recognition of Medical or Dental Specialists and Subspecialists permitted to practice in Kenya as provided for in the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act and the Rules thereunder.

  3. The recognition of Medical or Dental Specialists and Subspecialists based on the approved disciplines in this List is applicable with immediate effect, provided that the practitioners hold the recognised qualifications and meet the criteria for recognition.

  4. However, the indicated minimum duration of specialty and subspecialty training indicated in this List shall be applicable for practitioners graduating from specialty or subspecialty training programmes after 31st December 2025.

  5. The period of supervised post-training practice shall be undertaken by the practitioner under the supervision of recognised specialists or sub-specialists in the field.

The full list of recognized specialties and sub-specialties and their respective duration of training and supervised experience can be viewed by clicking HERE to download the full list