KENYA MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS COUNCIL REGISTERS All medical and dental practitioners working in Kenya MUST be registered and licensed by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council. The same applies to all Health Institutions (public, private and mission hospitals, medical, dental centers & clinics, nursing and maternity homes and standalone funeral homes). The Medical Council aims to ensure that Kenyans are being given quality healthcare by registered AND licensed practitioners and Health Facilities. You can therefore search our registers below to ensure the person treating you is a genuine medic, and that the health facility is duly registered and licensed to operate by the Council. Please note: ACTIVE means the medic or health institution has been licensed to operate within that calendar year. Feel free to CONTACT US if you have any questions. REGISTERED PRACTITIONERS' REGISTERS Local Practitioners’ Registers Local Licensed Practitioners’ Master Register Medical and Dental Practitioners’ General Practice Register Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Registrar Register Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Senior Registrar Register Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Specialist Practice Register Community Oral Health Officers’ Practice Register Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Internship Register Foreign Practitioners’ Registers Licensed Temporary Foreign Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Register Licensed Temporary Foreign Medical and Dental Students’ Register REGISTERED HEALTH FACILITIES' REGISTERS Health Institutions’ Register Licenced Health Institutions’ Register