Foreign trained doctors who possess qualifications equivalent to MBChB and BDS from the University of Nairobi are required to sit Council exams in order to determine their eligibility for either registration or internship training.

Graduates from the East African Partner States (EAC) who qualify from approved medical and dental schools are however exempted from Board exams under EAC Boards/Councils Reciprocal Recognition.

The application for temporary registration (for foreign-trained doctors) can be accessed using the link provided after the doctor has satisfied the Council and sent on email via

Internship qualifying examination is a written or oral examination or both which determines the suitability of foreign trained graduates who hold a degree recognized by the Council to undergo internship training in Kenya.

A medical and or dental graduate who intends to undertake internship training should apply to the Council using the form which can be shared on email and copied to

Once the Council is satisfied that the graduate meets the set requirements, they are issued with an internship licence with or without conditions on the licence.

The successful candidates are also required to submit a copy of their posting letters from the Ministry of Health in order to be issued with an Internship License by the Council.

Note: It is an offence to undertake internship training without the internship license.

Pre-registration examination is a written or oral examination or both which determines the suitability for registration as a practitioner. This examination is administered to graduates upon completion of their internship training.

The application form can be accessed through the link

The examination is divided into two (2): –

  1. Written – 100 marks
  2. Clinicals – 100 marks

The pass mark is 50%. A candidate MUST however attain a pass mark of 50% IN CLINICALS in order to be awarded a pass in the entire exam.

All candidates are required to have completed at least four (4) months compulsory attachment in an approved internship training centre before sitting for the Board exams.

Candidates are allowed a maximum of three (3) exam attempts only.

The exam results are released online and are available on this link

To view the results, you are required to use your:

  • Email address as login ID and
  • ID No./Passport No as your password 

NOTE: you are strongly advised to provide your correct email and ID No./Passport No

All appeals are addressed to the Chairperson of the Council on the email

Candidates who pass this exam are thus required to apply for Permanent Registration in the prescribed manner.

Peer Review is an assessment of a practitioner who has studied medicine outside the Republic of Kenya and/ or the East African region and has also acquired a Masters of Medicine with/ without specialist recognition.  

The objective of peer review is to assess the applicant’s suitability for registration as a medical/ dental practitioner in the Republic of Kenya and recognition as a specialist in the discipline under which they have trained, under Rule, 7 (1) of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Training, Assessment and Registration) Rules, 2014. 

The peer review form can be accessed through the link