The practitioner’s lifelong professional practice of medicine and dentistry is underpinned by Continuing Professional Development. The practice of medicine and dentistry is characterized by constantly changing disease patterns, management approaches and advances in technology. Therefore, medical and dental practitioners have a responsibility to continually upgrade their knowledge and skills in order to provide quality and optimum health care to their patients.
The purpose of CPD is to ensure professional competency at all times as a way of improving patients care. It is mandatory under CAP 253, Laws of Kenya (CPD rules, 2019) for every medical and dental practitioner to comply with CPD requirements in order to be retained in the register.
All practitioners are required to attain a minimum of 50 CPD points per CPD calendar year (1st January to 31st December) to qualify for retention in the annual register.
The CPD Guidelines can be downloaded using the link provided CPD Guidelines. CPD activities in these guidelines have been divided into two levels: formal and informal. Both of these cover extensive areas of interest. For practitioners who may find it difficult to attend activities away from their workstations, online CPD activities can now be easily accessed.
To make your online CPD Submission, click on THIS LINK.
Currently there are 190 accredited CPD providers who comprise referral, county, private and faith-based hospitals, professional associations, medical and dental schools and non-governmental organizations.
The Council’s responsibility is to accredit CPD providers in line with set standards, as well as ensure compliance by the practitioners before retention in the register. The Council has set up an online CPD platform to facilitate the management of CPD activities.
It is the responsibility of the CPD providers to develop and update CPD activities that are relevant and ensure appropriate returns to the Board.
The application form for accreditation as a CPD provider can be downloaded from the link and shared on email
CPD providers who wish to be retained can apply using the form
CPD providers conference presentations can also be downloaded HERE