Dr. Elizabeth Gitau Maina

Dr. Elizabeth Gitau Maina

Dr. Elizabeth Gitau Maina is a medical doctor with an MBA-Healthcare management degree from the Strathmore Business School. She is the current assistant secretary General of the Kenya Medical Association, the professional body representing medical doctors in Kenya. She has 10 years’ experience in clinical practice in both public and private health sector. Dr Elizabeth currently serves a consultant in various health systems strengthening initiatives focusing Healthcare financing and public private engagements in health sector. She is a former lecturer at the Kenya Medical Training college in a senior position training clinical officers in Kenya. Dr Elizabeth is an alumni of the prestigious German Academic Exchange programme (DAAD) and Equity Leadership program alumni. She was a member of the technical working group of the health committee of the Kenya COVID fund. This TWG supported the Kenya COVID Fund in provision of personnel protective equipment to health workers, training, and psychosocial support.

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